This is a post in my So, you want to be a Product Manager? series. As a Product Manager, the discovery process is an essential step in developing successful products that resonate with your target … Blog
So you want to be a PM? Start with why
The role of a product manager is critical to the success of a product. The first responsibility of a product manager is to discover and understand the needs of the customer. This is where the concepts …
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So you want to be a PM? The Basics of Product Management
Product Management is not yet a well-defined subject that can be learned to a high level by going exclusively down an academic route. It is, however, a role in demand all around the world, and an …
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I’m going to teach!
I am thrilled to announce that I will be teaching a university course on Product Management this June at Harbour.Space. As a successful product leader, I believe it is my obligation to invest in …
The Product Trio is the cornerstone of High-Performing Product Teams
This may not be news to you: product teams are under constant pressure to deliver high-performing products on time and within budget. This won't surprise you either: achieving this goal is never easy, …
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My year in books: the 41 books I read in 2022
Every year, I set myself a challenge to read at least one book a month. I prefer business, science and technology reads but I have also found time for biography, novels, comedy and sci-fi. A few …
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