On 21st March 2018, I was invited to speak about Digital Transformation at the Cloud Innovation stage of Cloud Expo Europe. I decided to use this opportunity to look back at 20 years of world-firsts in my Digital career, exploring what has changed and what remains the same, trying to distil what key learnings remain very relevant today.
[slideshare id=91526485&doc=cloudexpoeurope-180322093220&w=670&h=377]
Despite some audio glitches at the start, my talk was very well received. I stayed in conversation with those in the audience that approached me for quite a long time.
I can sincerely recommend taking the time to look back. We’ve come a long way, learned a lot and established firm foundations for a strong Digital Economy.
The slides don’t tell the whole story – get in touch for the finer detail, angles and perspective, as well as the answer to what does the Web have to do with a lettuce?
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